14 February 2010

Valentines Musings

Those of you who know me personally may be hoping I will reveal some great revelation about what love means here in Africa. But, I won’t be. It is complicated. When I wrote last week about each trip bringing me a little deeper into Ugandan culture, this is one area I was talking about…although this area has been a little side research project for me, love here still remains a mystery to me. The dynamics between men and women here are not simple. There are so many traditional beliefs colliding with modern ones…not to mention, cultural aspects that I will never understand completely. But, they do know about Valentines Day, which I was surprised by, mainly because I consider this an American "Halmark" holiday. But, anyway, happy valentines day from Uganda!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I'm trying to sense if there is anything deeper going on here...
