05 July 2009


At last, after about 24+ hours of travel, I have arrived in Kampala, the capital of Uganda....along with Judy and Georgette, the first of 5 amazing volunteers to come work with Sewing Hope. We have spent the last day overcoming jetlag, getting our barings in the city, and now, braving the internet cafe to send greetings out to our loved ones and supporters.

I must report, for those who have traveled with us, or in Africa in general, that the internet cafe here in Kampala is much improved....much faster and generally easier to navigate, though Georgette is having issues as I speak with her email. ha! But, even with these improvements, my brain is still not much-improved, as I have forgotten to bring the cord for my camera. So, I will have to wait till the next posting to show some of the interesting shots I have taken.

What is in store for us? Tomorrow, Waiswa Peter will be joining us for the day to work with us on our luganda and lusoga language skills and generally help us prepare for our work next week. Then, I will visit Makere University with him, where he has just finished his coursework in English literature. I am anxious to see what the university is like and what his life is like here in Kampala. He is one of Nalongo Sarah's sons...she is the teacher at MOHM, the organization we will be working with next week.

That's the news....only negatives so far have been accidentally ordering 2 egg and toast breakfasts instead of "2 eggs and toast", and seeing Georgette's life pass before my eyes while attempting to cross the treacherous streets. No harm done, really.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've arrived safely! I can't wait to hear more and to see pics.
